GrinGO App forges strategic alliance with Mexico’s SECTUR, signs MOU with the Angeles Verdes to form a tech partnership for Roadside Safety & Promotion.
(December 12, 2023; Mexico City) GrinGO App and the Angeles Verdes, a FREE tourist roadside assistance program operating under Mexico’s Secretary of Tourism (SECTUR) have inked a landmark Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to herald a tech-driven partnership in 2024. This collaborative venture aims to infuse technological innovation into the Angeles Verdes program while amplifying its outreach through strategic promotional efforts. The primary objective is to enhance the confidence of U.S. travelers navigating Mexico’s extensive highway network.
Since its inception in 1960, Angeles Verdes has evolved from 10 patrol vehicles and 40 mechanics to a formidable organization boasting over 700 employees and a fleet of 350+ vehicles. This dedicated team handles more than 650,000 service calls annually, including 175,000 mechanical assistance requests. Covering 206 designated tourist
routes, totaling 9,000 miles of highway pavement, the program plays a pivotal role in fostering regional and state development.
According to Lic. Miguel Torruco Marqués, Secretary of Tourism of México, “The integration of the Angeles Verdes operating system with the GrinGO platform aims to empower U.S. tourists with comprehensive information and another gateway to access the program’s roadside service, ensuring a safer and more enjoyable journey from the moment they enter Mexico until they reach their final destination.
Acknowledging the broader impact of Angeles Verdes, Brian Krupski, CEO of GrinGO, highlighted, “As a Federal program, Angeles Verdes not only serves tourists but also indirectly contributes to the North American economy by facilitating the uninterrupted flow of goods within Mexico and northbound to the USA. This synergy is critical for the success of binational trade agreements like the USMCA.”
Highlighting Angeles Verdes’ role in supporting companies like Phoenix-based Knight-Swift Transportation, Krupski emphasized the program’s instrumental assistance in ensuring the smooth transport of goods, vital for sectors such as agriculture, automotive, and aerospace. “Angeles Verdes plays a crucial role in getting trucks back on the road promptly, enabling the timely delivery of goods to the USA,” stated Krupski.
Alejandro Zúñiga Bernal, director of the Corporación de Servicios al Turista “Ángeles Verdes,” expressed enthusiasm about the partnership with GrinGO, stating, “A collaboration with GrinGO opens doors to continued innovation, allowing us to leverage their network of Southbound travelers and activate the approximately 1.5 million American Expats in Mexico to travel more domestically. Our joint efforts aim to bolster traveler confidence along our national highway system.
Participating in the ceremony, Lic. Miguel Torruco Marqués, Secretary of Tourism of México; Mtro. Humberto Hernández-Haddad, Subsecretary of Tourism of México, Alejandro Zúñiga Bernal, Director Angeles Verdes, Brian Krupski, CEO of GrinGO, Claudia Myriam Hernandez Mendoza, Investor and Legal Representative in México, GrinGO.
Ángeles Verdes y GrinGO App unen esfuerzos en beneficio del turismo carretero de Estados Unidos y Canadá en México
Official Press Release from SECTUR > Click Here

(December 12, 2023; Mexico City) GrinGO App and the Angeles Verdes, a FREE tourist roadside assistance program operating under Mexico’s Secretary of Tourism Click Here for more
Ángeles Verdes y GrinGO App unen esfuerzos en beneficio del turismo carretero de Estados Unidos y Canadá en México
Official Press Release from SECTUR > Click Here